Our Shawnees_____
34th batch OAC

Li Fern
Xin Yi
Wei Ming
Wei Chang
Yi Ding
Jian Fei
Tzin Wai
Han Wen


Wei Min

Loh Jia Min
Lai Yee
Guan Hui
Shi Xian




Weijie | prozac.puppets

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

boooooooooo who said anything bout the blog being dead -.-

haha sorry guys these few weeks has been crazy o.o arghhhhhh and finally my last few tests are near and JUNE HOLS ARE COMING!! ^^ which means HUMANITIES TRIP TO US FOR ME!!!! =) wahahahahahahahahaha i think i need to start making a shopping list T.T so many ppl wan stuffs from me!!!! booooooooooooooooo

anywae on a side note, i got 4 demerit points -.- and i just realised. ARGH. life sux la =(

oh oh oh this is kinda late but if you're interested in the zai-ness of SHAWNEES (which u of course must be to read the blog in the first place :D ) THE EXCO OF 34th OAC HAS 3 SHAWNEES!!~ woooooooo that means its 3 out of 5 exco leh!! O.O totally impressive! (sadly its me and jas thats not in the exco -.- arghhhh. nvm la qm and pti not that bad either :P )

yup yup soooooooo i think i'll try and plan something if i can before the term ends :D hopefully if things aren't too busy T.T haha coz i decided to join JCC (jap cultural club btw)! :D so my only days free are prob mondays and sundays ^^ yay i love being busy!!~~


eileen <3 shawnees

(P.S shawnees blog is actually even more alive than the batch blog -.-)

posted @ 8:31 AM |

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I realised I haven't been posting here since forever. Anyway, Jasmine is very bored now. =[

Shawnees!!! You guys must all go for harmoc concert to support me ok! Andy and peiyit will be performing too! So you guys must all come to support! Or else I will be damn sad! Then I will cry and irritate all of you! =] I am kind of looking forward to wed! Who cannot make it after CSM? Haix, I hope everybody can go. Anyway, I think Jasmine is a nice girl!

I think I am talking crap now. Roars. Anything for me to do? =[ I want to eat macs! This is such a crappy post. =/ Oh wells. Anyway, I want to make a family tree!

Shawnees <3 Jasmine

Jasmine <3 Shawnees tooo!

posted @ 5:30 PM |

Friday, April 25, 2008

hey hey hey ppl!!!! haha lets give an account on our wonderful 2nd shawnees outing!! ^^

okay okay after deciding the atlantic groupings at bout 5, we started stoning around and waiting for hoxy to finish with her badminton comp (we waited til 6 b4 she appeared. and apparently the teacher never appeared so there wasn't one after all. poor steffi was starving T.T )and while waiting for hoxy, our FUTURE CI (i'm so voting for him -.- DIE DIE DIE) has to (attempt to) take my photo :D and of course failing. (if he succeeds i'm so going to skin him alive o.o)okay but anywae we finally decided to go to han wen's house in the end to play mahjong!! :D

wahahaha so on the bus we gossiped quite a lot and discovered that weichang can cook (o.o) and "got 25.5 on math test without studying" (-.-) and han wen doesn't know the canadian pizza number (-.-). okay but anywae we reached hanwen's house! and he claims that the whole block of flats belonged to him. so i anyhow pointed at a unit and it really WAS his house -.- tok bout coincidence! ARGH. okay we went in (it was pretty big and nice and AHHHH IT WAS A WHOLE LOT CLEANER THAN MY HOUSE/ROOM! :( NOOOOO) i grabbed the first pig i can find and hugged it the whole day :D and weichang and steffi proceeded to cooking maggee mee to feed the whole shawnees! (i admit i ate a lot and did very little. ooooops :P )and i'm stuck with the spicy one which only hoxy didnt find it hot O.o

and then the highlight..... MAHJONG! wooooooo and weichang shocked us once again with his imba-ness at mahjong -.- he completely thrashed us la! won like 4 or 5 rounds in a row or something T.T (but thats prob coz he has "THE LIGHT" behind him :D hahahahaha he lost immediately once he changed position :P ) and here's a bit of shocking news....

lifern said: "weichang is cuter la, but (some hongkong star name which i forgot) also very cute mah!"

O-M-G! why do the gurls in shawnees have to proclaim their love for weichang? -.- b4 steffi. now lifern!!!! plus jas and him are so scandalous too :D arghhh they must be blind o.o

haha then lifern started playing some guitar game thingy and got so hooked onto it O.o haha okay i think i missed out quite a lot of details but the main thing is... we had another group photo!!! WAHAHAHA SHAWNEES RULEZZZZZZ~! ppl dun be too jealous :D

here's the pics! :)

OMG hanwen and weichang's natural attraction for each other is at work again! O.O

awwwww lifern <3 weichang :D

wahahahah i gtg for jap lessons le! cyaaaaa guys and look forward to the next shawnees outing! :)

eileen <3 shawnees

posted @ 8:08 PM |

Tuesday, April 22, 2008



THE BATCH BLOG IS UP!!! WOOOOOO and i did the layout :D lalala~ happy happy

haha yup yup just fyi (though i bet most of ya checked it out already ^^) its http://whoa34.blogspot.com !! yayyayayayayayay its suuuuper cooooooool man!!!! haha check it out and POOOOOSSSSTTTT~ wahaha i love the blog! *HUGS*

oh and the next piece of news...


haha for the time being, its @ hoxy's house this friday, 25/4/2008 and we're gonna play MAHJONG ^^ yup yup so guys try and make it k?! there shouldn't be any tests coming up (other than my geog test T.T) so NO EXCUSES!! hahahahahaha we'll confirm the details later this week sooooooooooooooo LOOK OUT FOR IT!! haha GIs, rovers and Exes are welcomed too! lets have a smashing mahjong time!!!

heh anywaes tmr is the results of who's getting into oac... haizz its kinda sad to see that it could be the last time we'll have all of us together. haha no matter the results we'll all treasure the friendship and time that we spent in YLTC together k?!! shawnees shall not fall no matter what the result! <3><)

wooohoooo SHAWNEES RULEZZZ!~ <3333><

eileen <3 shawnees

posted @ 2:36 AM |

Friday, April 18, 2008

HI! It's been a week after YL night, and i must say IT WAS REALLY FUN AND MEMORABLE!
Throughout these few months of planning and meetings, the process of working as a batch to organise an event for our beloved seniors was just like building the PIP bridge (for those who dun take physics, its a project where we build bridge models out of straws): strong bonds were forged, knots were tied, many triangles were created, much effort was put in, and we finally overcame the great pressure! (sry, i hope this is a good analogy?)

Here are the snapshots taken by my Lumix camera (which has been through thick and thin and freezing snow with me): ENJOY!
Shawnees ROX on and on!

Guess who is that?

4 Shawnees ppl in the Programme Commitee! We hope that all seniors would find their true heart!

Anyway through this event, SHAWNEES have demostrated what we could do for our batch and seniors! It also disproved the common belief that we cannot dance ballet and indian dances! Much sweat and tears were put in, so no matter how humourous or not it was, IT was all worthwhile, especially with great dance talents like Eileen, Han Wen and Steffi, not forgetting the very poetic Lifern and Jasmine, Weichang, Yiding, Hoxy, and I.

With love,

Wei Ming <3shawnees!

posted @ 5:55 AM |

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hey hey its been a long time since i last posted :P haha it has been crazy these last few weeks...

anywae YL NIGHT ROCKS!~~ haha its completely the best ever :D hope it was entertaining >< (esp the Shawnees item of course~ !! ^^ wahahahaha everybody put in a lot of effort for it!!) it'll be worth it even if math test is screwed up :P haha gtg sleep soon so i'll post stuffs bout yl night later! anywae b4 i log off...



yayyyy grats on being older!! you're officially 18 (waaaaaa thats old ><) which means u can now do lots of stuffs :D hahahahahahahahahaha you rock manzzz!!!~

eileen <3 style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);">Wei Min

posted @ 9:41 AM |

Monday, April 14, 2008

YL night is over. There is this super empty feeling in me. It's like months of preparations just gone in a night, and there are still alot of things that I want to do, still alot of things and I want to say. I guess life is just like that. Time flies, and what's left are the memories. I swear, these fond memories will stay in my heart for life. I am really very touched by what we did, how much people contributed, how hard we pia-ed for ylnight and how bonded we are. WHOA has allowed me to make alot of new friends, friends that I will rmb for life. I can't believe how mingling with these people have changed a part of me, probably making me more altruistic. Everything abt OAC screams batch spirit, teamwork and care and concern for each and every member. And somehow, I really like that.

I hope I will get to do the activities with these 38 other people. I hope I will have fun with these 38 people and I hope I will enjoy life in hwachong with these 38 people.

Please, I really hope our batch will stay as it is.

WHOA, I love thee.

May God bless us all. Amen.

posted @ 4:19 AM |

Saturday, April 12, 2008

omigosh YL night's tmr... arghhhh i'm getting kinda freaked out T.T

haizzz hope that it'll be a success! heh can see the batch really putting effort into it... ohhhh wellll the big's day tmr!! ARGH. i'm. freaking. out. ahhhhhh.

and the blog is kinda dying T.T haizzzzzz almost seems like i'm toking to myself :(((( blog ppl!!!~

and jiayou for maths test! >< (either that or we can all fail it together :))))

eileen <3 shawnees

posted @ 8:23 AM |

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hey guys YL night is coming up so its gonna be a busyyy week!! haha jiayou~ ^^

anywae an announcement in case u dun like to check ur phone o.o there's gonna be a meeting to prac for our item on MONDAY @ 3 (meet at oac bench). if u have lessons ending late or something just join us late :)

haha and then there's gonna be another one on WEDNESDAY @ 3 (meet at oac bench) as well.. this is the IMPT one so must come k?!!! wahahaha YL night's gonna be a smashing success :D JIAYOU PPL!~~

eileen <3 shawnees

posted @ 8:02 PM |

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

yea man the photos are finally up!! ^^

and another great piece of news...... our RECORDING are NOW UP!!! WOOOOOOOO~!

so to those who didnt know we recorded our songs, anthem, pledge, etc. etc. and its now all up =) together with the songs in the old playlist.. haha yea ppl so enjoy!! ^^

eileen <3 shawnees

P.S. the photos are really random O.O lol

posted @ 9:28 AM |

Really random pictures! Jasmine is lazy to sort out everything, so I shall just randomly spam the pictures! Enjoy!

Group photo!

Last but not least,

With much love,
Jasmine who loves shawnees as much as her beloved lavi

posted @ 3:43 AM |

Sunday, March 30, 2008

wooooooo i'm too bored from econs and geog so i'm here to drop a random post!!! ^^

OMIGOSH weichang blogged -.- i thought he will take like 10 years b4 he decided to blog or something o.o okayyy anywae its gooooood that everyone's blogging :D (other than.. ahem u know who u are -.-) yup yup and seniors can blog too!!! yea!~ haha we need more posts ppl!!! WOOOOOO SHAWNEES RULEZZZZ <3

heh anywae i forgot to add that we wanted to celebrate all the birthdays that we have missed :D wahahaha and since someone's birthday is coming up soon we should just celebrate everybody's bdae together!! (which is like... hmmm.. bout 6+1 ppl ><) heh it should be sometime in april (mayb a day after sch or something?) soooooo shall plan something by then!! ^^

hmmmm yea hor mayb can really have a fortnight dinner or something... heh how bout on fridays after our ct outing? so next dinner should be on 11/4? any objections shawnees? :D (u guys better dun have any...o.o)

okie okie shall go off now :) love ya guys! <333333

eileen <3 shawnees!

P.S the batch item is quite lame T.T arghhhhhh

posted @ 3:28 AM |

Saturday, March 29, 2008

During YL, I probably wasn't as attached to Shawnees as I hoped I would have been. But it was a time like YESTERDAY during post-mortem when I found out that I've actually been part of something wonderful for more than 2 months already. So yes. We had YL post-mortem at the Serene Centre macs yesterday. Sadly, I had to leave early. :( I was reading Eileen's entry, and walao, y'all can be really random when it comes to creating scandals lorrrr. (And! I thought all the girls were SUPPOSED to take picture with Wei Chang. Why only me and Steffi?!! But anyway, it's only a picture what. HAHAHA.)

Eh btw, can we create the links at the right sidebar. You all have blogs right? Ex-es? GIs? Rovers? the rest of you? Hahaha, someone put the links can or not. Then we can read each other's blog, and kill boredom sometimes. Haha.

Sorry my English sucks occasionally when I blog. Note, OCCASIONALLY. Other times I blog with perfect English one okay. :D

Jas try to upload the pics ASAP! So sad la, can only get it next week. :( I want to see how I look in the pictures heh.

Okay all the best mugging for Econs test, J1 Shawnees!! Although we love red, don't let the tutors colourize our tests with red too much okay!

Li Fern <3>

posted @ 6:28 AM |

yo people! HOXY is here to blog! haha sorry i've been so busy lately these few weeks that i've been missing out on all the outings:( i feel sad now.. haix i'm like missing out on all the fun. ROAR. i must go for the mahjong/iceskating outing!:D OMG ice-skating is a very good idea too:D haha although i cant really skate. and MAHJONG=go siao time! i rmb everytime i play with my friends, i can play the whole day and whole night:D
Since i missed post-mortem, i shall blog about my feelings here:
- YLTC camp has made me sick of xiaomimi. TOTALLY, haha i dont even look at the stall when i go to the canteen these days
- great friendships were forged during the camp, and that's what i love most about the camp (although it was super hiong, everybody was there for each other, that's why i love the SHAWNEES so much)
- the camp has made me less hygienic than i used to be. ROAR!

don't know why im in such a shitty mood nowadays, and i still have to zi-high in school. LOL ._.


posted @ 3:11 AM |

Friday, March 28, 2008

Hi shawnees! Rahhhh! I wanted to upload the scandalous photos but i realised that my camera wire is over at my cousin's house. Booo. I shall upload them next week. Hahaha! And weichang finally blogged! Law!!! I am hungry!

I think I had fun yesterday crapping and playing truth or dare! =] I realised that the shawnees girls all never kena! =]]]] Yay! play mahjong! It has been a long time since I last played mahjong at my friend's house during cny! Hohohooh! And I think I am very noobish at mahjong, still rmb how renice and me went crazy playing mahjong (for the very first time in our lives). =]]]]

I need D.Gray-man! Siaooooo. You still haven't wash your stuffs?!?!?! =[[[[ And it is good to be fat! Then you will look like the little boy on your ezlink card!

I shall follow the rest and type some random stuffs!

1. I haven't eaten xiao mi mi since yltc. In fact, I was so traumatised by xiao mi mi's food that I discouraged my friends from eating xiao mi mi and we stayed away from that store. =]]]

2. I was obsessed with doing push-ups during the week after yltc. I think I was quite weird after yltc.

3. Most of my bruises finally recovered after two weeks (fast recovery!!). =] Hohohoho! I think I am damn zai!

4. Have been obsessed with Jay Chou's songs since yltc. I wonder if they are related somehow. =]]]]


posted @ 5:29 PM |

hello due to popular demand to write an entry here by the shawnees 08 batch i shall make a post here mwahahaha. kidding kidding hahaha. walao, u all know i wanted to blog about the post mortem actually and eileen just KS-ed it from me. i was typing about 2 paragraphs den i decided to read some of the entries to get some inspiration and i realised that eileen already posted the entry about post mortem !@#$%^&* lol

anyway i think going ice skating for shawnees outing sounds quite good ;D hahaha, so so so so long since i last ice skated. i also like the idea of going hanwen's house to play mahjong yay. but ppl please bring more money to pay me when we gamble k LOL. by the way, i think we shouldnt go watch movie cause its quite anti social lol. ohya ohya, you guys know my og have this og lunch every fortnight where we eat tgt after school once every 2wks. so maybe we can do the same too (with our GIs, Rovers and EXes) so we wont sort of "lose contact" when we dont have time to meet.. yea, just a suggestion :D perhaps like every monday morning or something we can all come earlier at 7am to eat breakfast.. or every friday after ct session have a late lunch / early dinner together (:

btw, i wan to clarify that being "most emotionally attached" has a lot of meanings lor. so dun think to much hahaha. and its supposed to be confidential k ! :D

oh no, i dont know what to talk about already. okay i shall just type random stuffs.

1. i havent wash my scarf, cap and the PE shirt that i last wore before we changed into the YLTC shirt on the last day. i rmb going home and just putting them into one big ziploc bag immediately cause i was afraid my mom will just wash them lol. i dont intend to wash them hahaha

2. i realise i eat a lot more now than before the camp, i dont know why. its like for every meals i will jia1 fan4, sometimes eating 2 whole bowls of rice lol. shucks, i think i will just grow fatter in no time ):

3. i ate xiao mi mi on the first day of school of term 2 during break. i rmb charlton coming over to me when i was queueing for xiao mi mi and asked me "woah, u still had not enough of xiao mi mi ar?" hahaha. den aft that break, 5 to 6 oac guys came to my class bench and asked me "so how was xiao mi mi?" ._.

4. im going to just GG for econs test next wk ! elasticity crap and demand and supply rubbish. BOO!

yay, im going sleep. I BLOGGED HERE K :D

shawnees !!! (:

posted @ 8:49 AM |

yay!! shawnees had our post-mortem today :)

hmmmm so after our ct session we met up at the oac bench (and realised with great horror that there seem to be this dark aura coming from the oac bench T.T apparently junice was quite angry that we didnt inform her bout the batch meeting? SORRY!!! ><) and explained stuffs to junice b4 going for our batch meeting! haha the batch meeting was pretty short, basically just lots of updates (which u couldn't really hear coz it was really noisy :P)

yea so after that comes the main part... the POST MORTEM!! lol we reached serene centre at bout 5, and saw our GIs and rovers sitting at the mc (seriously they look really serious o.o was quite freaked out at first... like got the feeling of impending DOOMMMM ) haha we took a while to warm up i guess but after that we started to feedback stuffs bout YLTC and EAT!! wahahahahaha (jas had this fever and wanted to eat weichang's ice cream~ awwwww so sweeet i got kinda jealous wor T.T) weiling, yuhui, loh jiamin and guan hui came and sat at mcs too :D
haha we tried getting lifern and steffi to take photo with weichang (and succeeded of course! ^^ wahahahaha wait patiently for the photos~)

hmmmm after that we took some random photos, then lifern went, heh and we played some rounds of truth or dare :D

1. wahahaha first victim was jacky! Dare: went to the counter and asked for a zinger burger
2. next was wei ming who went to the other table (where weiling and the others were sitting) and "grabbed" their plate of fries (argh he failed horribly o.o).
3. yufeng! :D wahahaha we asked him who he thinks is the chio-est gurl in the senior batch and he said it was _______ (no telling here :P)..
4. junice :) with the same question and her answer was _________ (no telling here too :P)
5. lastly it was WEICHANG and i think the question was something like "who is the member fo the opposite sex in our oac batch that he is most emotionally attached too?" :D

yiding left then... (omigosh lifern and yiding can be our next scandal couple!! :D) and steffi and jas went (T.T) so it was left with me, hanwen, wei ming, and weichang... heh we just kinda talked a lot la.. stuffs like movies, election stuffs, sports o.o, digimon ><, and other random stuffs that i cant remember :D heh so we left at bout 9.30 (wahahaha navajos ended at 9 i heard :P which means ours ended later~~ ^^) yup yup

shocking revelation: i take the same bus home as jacky and loh jiamin?! O.O haha

oh and anywae announcement for next outing: haha somehow we decided that next outing we'll play MAHJONG and hanwen's house!! :) (tentative... but oh well :P) yippeeee look forward to it guys!! haha tell mi or hanwen the preferred date for the outing k? (with tests and all that ><) yeah man tmr going fun-o-rama~~ <33333 thats it for now! post more guys!! ^^

eileen <3 shawnees

posted @ 7:45 AM |

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

11. First thing to do online is to check the shawnees blog :D

okay thats prob only some of us :P wahahahaha like to check for updates! but nobody blogging much la T.T and weichang why only tag -.- ARGH. prob something like forgot the password or something. wahahahahaha i'm really bored now T.T since not going sch tmr might as well just drop a short post :D

yea man today was a free day!! haha actually was planning something de then dunno why jas decided to drop the plan? (argh i wanted to mug de >< wahahahaha but ended up watching movie :P) haiz singapore too boring le la quite hard to come up with activities though... hmmmm mayb shld start branstormin!~ ehhhh

1. ice skating?
2. cycling @ ecp or somewhere?
3. mahjong!!!! :D (or card games~ wahahahaha)
4. kbox again!
5. swimming (-.- seriously doubt this)
6. movie?
7. mugging session? (o.o wow)
8. trekking? (when we trek we are so like king kong~)
9. creating scandals? (wahahahaha absolutely must do this ^^)

wahaha but i think the next outing shld be after all the council stuffs and watsoever matters settled le then decide bah! since quite a lot of shawnees running O.O shows the imba-ness of shawneeeeesss~~

haha so council shawnees jiayou!~ (hoxy <33333) ^^ all the bez manzzz we'll be rooting for ya! :)

eileen <3 shawnees

posted @ 9:48 AM |

Omg it has been 2 years plus since I last used blogger. Feeling a bit noob around here, but I'm taking time off my MUGGING to blog here la. Hope seniors had fun during blocks! (Omg this sounds so sarcastic, but ... I dunno what to blog about!)

Yesterday, I saw Wei Chang in school. I said HELLO to him. He didn't say hi back and "Hmff" me instead. YOU WATCH OUT. HAHAHAHAHA.

<3, Li Fern

posted @ 2:50 AM |

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hi Shawnees!

Here's a post on how YLTC has changed my daily life, im not sure if uall agree?
just read and add on to the list if you can think of more funny stuff! ok? ok!

Here it goes, yeh!
1. Always feeling hungry, not full after a meal and wanting a second helping.
2. Constantly looking for snacks in between meals at home and in school.
3. Dun feel like eating "xiao mi mi" because of having eaten it for the whole camp.
4. Drinking from the tap instead of the water cooler.
5. Missing the march sch holidays very much!
6. <3 to walk in the drizzle.
7. Cant wait for a kayaking expedition.
8. Shawnees is more important than tests.
9. Hoping to have an outing to Pulau Ubin soon!!!
10. We all <3 SHAWNEES forever!

pls add on to the list,
wei ming<3 shawnees!

posted @ 6:45 AM |